facilitated by Hypnotherapist Sandy Hector

4 week on demand course

Are You Struggling To Sleep At Night?

This course aims to help you sleep well

 Lack Of Sleep Can Affect Our Day-To-Day Behaviour And Health

Sleep is an issue for many people at some point in their lives. Whether it is acute or chronic its impact is similar in its effects. Lack of sleep can affect our day-to-day behaviour and health and there has been much research into sleep deprivation.

Free 4 Week Course

What to expect

Determine what, when, where, how, and why we sleep plus a guided visualization to calm the mind

 Soothing rhythm breathing, Relaxation, Language (what we say to ourselves) finishing with a guided visualisation

Journaling, Emotional Freedom Technique, finishing with a guided visualisation

Changing routines and self-hypnosis

Picture of Sandy Hector

Sandy Hector

I am a very experienced therapist who has helped many young people and adults overcome difficulties that hold them back.  I am a specialist in anxiety related difficulties, and also treat trauma, chronic pain, IBS, weight problems, phobias and many other difficulties. I’m a qualified FRYOG Yoga teacher and teach regular yoga classes in Binstead, Isle of Wight.   I am a Satyananda inspired yoga teacher teaching in the traditional style of the Bihar School of Yoga.

mindful - research - practice

This workshop was delivered during the pandemic and remains a video resource.

“I hope these sessions help you approach a better nights sleep”

This 4 week course can help you find a more restful night

4 week course

Sleep Well